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Waterworks Rate Policy

The objective of the Waterworks Rate Policy is to maintain waterworks that are self-financing and to set aside funds for future capital expenditures.


Council has set water and sewer rates in order to provide sufficient revenue for the Village water utility to be self sustaining, and to provide users with advanced notice of increases.


The Village’s original infrastructure is from the late 1965 to 1970. In the last 10 years Additional water and sewer infrastructure has been constructed for current developments.

Prioritizing future projects is based on the condition of existing infrastructure and the service it provides, the capacity of the infrastructure, and future development.  The original water plant has been upgraded for more storage, the filler units have been up graded in approx, late 1990.  New river pump was purchased in 2022.


Waterworks Capital Investment Strategy

The objective of the Waterworks Capital Investment Strategy is to eliminate risks by addressing anticipated infrastructure maintenance, immediate infrastructure problems, and future infrastructure replacements in a timely fashion so as to ensure safe drinking water and reliable services to the community. The strategy uses the 2015 Waterworks System Assessment that was required by Saskatchewan Environment for infrastructure planning as well as data from current condition assessments which have been done on the infrastructure.


Recommendations in the 2015 Waterworks System Assessment indicate some major infrastructure upgrades if the Village expands anymore, with further discussion with the water security agencies they have said we are ok as we are at present. This will be closely monitored.


2023 Annual Financial Overview

Water & Sewer revenues and expenditures as reported in the 2023 Audited


Revenues - $133,428

Expenditures - $106,555

Debt payments on utility infrastructure - $0

Surplus/(Deficit) - $26,873


Comparison of the utility revenues to expenditures plus debt payments expressed as a ration - 1.25


The amount of supplementary revenue to cover expenditures was: $0


1 Includes amortization expense of: $16,344


Utility Reserves

Amount added to the reserve account during the year: $0


End of the year balance in reserve account for future waterworks capital infrastructure: $60,000



2015 Waterworks System Assessment, as required under Section 35 is available on request.


2022 Annual Financial Overview

Water & Sewer revenues and expenditures as reported in the 2022 Audited Financial Statements.


Revenues - $92,400

Expenditures - $119,403

Debt payments on utility infrastructure - $0

Surplus/(Deficit) - ($27,003)


Comparison of the utility revenues to expenditures plus debt payments expressed as a ratio - 0.77


The amount of supplementary revenue needed to cover expenditures was $27,003


1 Includes amortization expense of $14,391


Utility Reserves

Amount added to the reserve account during the year: $0


End of year balance in reserve account for future waterworks capital infrastructure: $60,000



2015 Waterworks System Assessment, as required under Section 35 is available on request.


2021 Annual Financial Overview

Water & Sewer revenues and expenditures as reported in the 2021 Audited Financial Statements:


Revenues(1) - $120,758

Expenditures(2) - $89,533

Debt payments on utility infrastructure - $0

Surplus/(Deficit) - $31,225


Comparison of the utility revenues to expenditures plus debt payments expressed as a ratio – 1.2


The amount of supplementary revenue needed to cover expenditures was $0



(1 Includes amortization expense of $8,947.00


Utility Reserves

Amount added to the reserve account during the year:  $10,000


End of year balance in reserve account for future waterworks capital infrastructure:  $60,000



  1. 2015 Waterworks System Assessment, as required under Section 35 of is available on request.


Water Supply, Treatment & Distribution

Drinking Water Quality and Compliance Annual Notices:








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