Welcome to the
Village of Laird
The Village of Laird Bylaws are regularly reviewed, amended, and in some cases repealed. Every effort is made to ensure bylaws posted on the website are current, however, if you have any questions you may contact the Village office or view the bylaws at the Village office, 220B Main Street, during regular business hours.
Bylaw Enforcement
The Village Bylaw Enforcement Officer works with the public, informs, and investigates many of the bylaws listed above. For more information on bylaw enforcement, please contact the Village office.
The information contained on this site has no legal status and cannot be used as an official report of the policies, actions, or decisions of the Village of Laird Council. The Village of Laird accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Please contact the Village office if you have any questions or require more information.
The following is a list of some of the commonly requested bylaws. For a hard copy of these bylaws, or for more information, please contact the Village office.
Bylaw 2016-08 - Code of Ethics
Bylaw 1-2018 - Signing Authority
Bylaw 2022-01 - Administration
Animal Control
Bylaw 2020-06 - Animals and Noise
Assessment and Taxation
Bylaw 2003-1 - Dispense with the Mailing of Assessment Notices
Bylaw 2008-0011 - Establish Property Tax Incentives and Penalties
Bylaw 2015-04 - Amend Bylaw 2008-0011
Bylaw 2015-05 - Assessment Appeal Fee
Bylaw 3-2018 - Add Tenant Utility Arrears to Property Owners Property Taxes
Bylaw 2020-03 - Notice of Assessments Advertising
Bylaw 2020-07 - Apply Tax Incentives Effective 2020
Bylaw 2020-11 - Tax Information Fee
Bylaw 2021-04 - Uniform Mill Rate
Bylaw 2021-06 - Mill Rate Factor
Bylaw 2015-03 - Appoint Building Officials
Bylaw 2004-1 - Prohibit the Use of Concrete Slab Grave Covers
Community Plan
Bylaw 4.1-2013 - Adopt the Village of Laird Official Community Plan
Bylaw 2020-08 - Require Criminal Record Checks with Nomination Forms
Bylaw 94-1 - Establishment of a Volunteer Fire Department
Bylaw 3-2014 - R.M. of Rosthern Fire Agreement
Bylaw 4-2014 - R.M. of Laird Fire Agreement
Bylaw 2017-01 - R.M. of Rosthern Fire Agreement
General Penalties
Bylaw 2020-12 - General Penalty
Bylaw 1-2014 - Nuisance Abatement
Public Notice
Bylaw 1-2008 - Establish Public Notice Policy
Bylaw 45 - For Establishing a Recreation Board
Bylaw 52 - To Permit the Village of Laird to Renew the Old Village Office for a Museum
Bylaw 2017-02 - R.M. of Rosthern Recreation Agreement
Snow Removal
Vehicles and Traffic
Bylaw 88-4 - Regulate All Terrain Vehicles
Water & Sewer
Bylaw 83-6 - Construction of a Sewer Line as a Local Improvement
Bylaw 1-2002 - Sewer and Water and Water Management
Bylaw 2-2007 - Amend Bylaw 1-2002
Bylaw 4-2007 - Amend Bylaw 1-2002
Bylaw 2008-112 - Amend Bylaw 1-2002
Bylaw 2017-05-25 - Amend Bylaw 1-2002
Bylaw 2017-03 - Backflow Prevention
Bylaw 2017-04 - Previous Sewer Backup(s)
Bylaw 2018-02 - Penalty Added to Unpaid Water, Sewer, Garbage and Recycle
Bylaw 5.1-2013 - Adopt the Village of Laird Zoning Plan
Bylaw 5.1-2013 - Zoning District Map